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Why Choose Us?
Located in Brixton, London, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional recruitment services, matching skilled cleaners with clients' specific needs for a seamless and efficient cleaning experience.
Please email sensible.recruitment@outlook.com with a DBS check, proof of address, form of ID, right to work in the UK once you filled out the form we will send you once you submit through the form to the right.
Cleaner Registration Checklist Cleaner Name_____________________________________________ [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Valid passport or ID card and visa if required______________________ Student visas cannot be accepted Visas must be full passport page residence permits ID cards are acceptable from applicants from EU countries Proof of address Bank statement, Utility bill or Drivers Licence References x2 Letters handwritten or typed MUST be legible Name, address and number of referee and signature Nature and duties of job and time period worked Information Sheet for Cleaners Read through points with cleaner and copy given to them Application Form fully completed Self-Employment Declaration Completed Checklist completed by___________________ Date______________ Information sheet for Cleaners Please read through this information about cleaning for Homeclean. It is very important that you understand all of the points. You may take this sheet away to refer to again later. GETTING A JOB We will send you text messages with possible offers of work. If you would like to accept a job then reply to the text message and wait for us to confirm if you have the job or not. Before saying that you will do a job please check the address to make sure that you will be able to get there (use Google Maps) and that you have a method of transport. Check the day and times to ensure that you can definitely do the job before you reply. If we give the job to you then we will text you to confirm that it is yours and give you full details of when to start. The client may want you to go for an interview to show you around and arrange keys, this is usually in the evening or at the weekend. If there are any problems you should contact us straight away as if you do not turn up for an interview or a job without calling us then we will not offer you any more work. KEEPING US UP TO DATE We will offer jobs to you based on when you are available and what areas you are able to travel to. If the information changes, then please call us on 0113 873 0119 so that we have the most up to date details for you. Please also let us know if your phone number or address change. TEMP OR REG JOBS OR ONE-OFF JOBS TEMP jobs are temporary jobs for a short time, maybe for one day or a few weeks to cover for a cleaner who is sick or on holidays. REG jobs are permanent for every week or every two weeks. Please don’t take a REG job if you can’t do it all the time or if you are going on holiday soon. ONE OFF JOBS are one time only. PAY The client (the person you work for) will pay you directly £10-£12 per hour and does not pay for your travel. You are paid by the hour so if you leave early then you must not take the money for the hours that you did not work. SICK OR LATE If you are running late for a job or if you are sick and cannot go then please call us on 0113 873 0119 and call your client to let them know (usually call your client first). We can try to get someone else to cover you if you are sick but you need to give as much notice as possible – at least the day before if you can. HOLIDAYS When you want to go on holiday you must let us know at least 2 weeks in advance and return any keys you are holding to Home clean or to the client. If you are not returning on the date, you told us you must let us know as soon as possible. KEYS When your client gives you keys for their house you must make sure you take good care of them so you do not lose them. You must also not keep the address of the client anywhere near the keys for security reasons. MOBILE PHONES Please make sure you have your mobile turned on at all times so we can contact you, however, do not have long conversations when you are working. If your mobile is not working then let us know as soon as possible. DAMAGE TO CLIENTS’ PROPERTY Please note that you are responsible for any damage you cause to a client’s property even if accidental so please take care in client’s homes. If anything is damaged then please let the agency know immediately – it is always better to be honest when accidents happen. SELF EMPLOYMENT You will be working on a self-employed basis so will be responsible for your own Tax and National Insurance contributions and pension provision if appropriate. Whilst working in clients homes you are responsible for your own liability. Cleaner Application Form PERSONAL DETAILS Name_________________________________________________Date of Birth___________ Address____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Postcode________________ Mobile Telephone Number_____________________________________________________ Home Telephone Number______________________________________________________ Email address________________________________________________________________ Nationality__________________________________________________________________ Next of Kin Name_____________________________________________________________ Next of Kin Telephone Number__________________________________________________ EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Name of current or most recent employer_________________________________________ Address________________________________________________Postcode_____________ Telephone number___________________________________________________________ Duties______________________________________________________________________ Rate of pay__________________________________________________________________ Dates employed: From________________________ until____________________________ Reason for leaving____________________________________________________________ Which days are you available to work? (Please tick) Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Morning 7am-12pm Sat Sun Afternoon 12-5pm Evenings from 5pm Do you have any holidays booked? _______________________________________________ Can you iron? Can you work in homes with dogs? Can you work in homes with cats? Do you have a criminal record? Do you have a car and driving licence? How do you plan to travel to jobs? YES YES YES YES YES _______________________________________________ NO NO NO NO NO How long are you planning to work as a cleaner? ___________________________________ INFORMATION SHEET FOR CLEANERS I have read and understand the ‘Information Sheet for Cleaners’ and agree to comply with all of the requirements contained within it Print Name____________________________ Signed________________________________ DECLARATION I can confirm that to the best of my knowledge the above information is correct. I accept that providing deliberately false information could result in action being taken against me. Signed__________________________________ Date_______________________________ Self-Employment Declaration I understand that any service provided by myself through Sensible Cleaning London Limited will be on a Self-Employed basis as such, I am responsible for paying my own Tax and National Insurance Contributions and that whilst working in my clients’ houses, I am responsible for my own liability. PRINT NAME IN FULL: ____________________________________ SIGNED: _______________________ DATE: __________________
Cleaner registration checklist
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